Why Did Serena And Nate Break Up?

On the other hand, actor Matthew Lewis had a fairytale story. The actor met event planner and blogger Angela Jones during a “Wizarding World of Harry Potter” event, and it was love at first sight. The 52-year-old actress started dating the writer Rye Dag Holmboe in 2019 when she grew tired of “grieving” her failed romance with Burton.

She explains that she did it to be strong enough to support Eric . Later on in the series when Jenny officially became Queen of Constance, fans repeatedly witnessed the power going straight to her head. Jenny decided that she had to do everything possible to stay queen, including being ruthless iLove app to one of her supposed best friends. During the first season of Gossip Girl, fans had plenty of reason to believe that Jenny and Eric were destined to be best friends. Not only did the two get along really well, but their parents obviously had a past and their siblings seemed to have a future.

Afterwards, he goes to see Blair and declares all out war between the two of them. Afterwards, he tells Blair he has no interest in the locket or who it belongs to but she later finds out that despite this, he has been looking into it. At the same time, he promises to introduce her to a supposed member of La Table Élitaire named Henri Duris but continually cancels on her to track down the woman, who is named Elizabeth Fisher. After looking through all the evidence, he finally realizes that she is his mother and Blair goes with him to confront her. Devastated, he decides to stop looking and Blair continues to support him .

As the season opens in Yes, Then Zero, Nate and Chuck end up in Los Angeles, where Serena is working on a film set. While there, Nate meets a woman who stays in his thoughts as he returns to New York. He meets her again and finds out her name is Diana Payne; and she offers him a job working at her newspaper The Spectator . However, after working for awhile, Nate discovers that Diana plans to alienate Gossip Girl and become the number one media in the city .

However, when Chuck finds out what she did, he bans her from the opening for betraying him. The night of, she receives flowers from Jack and realizes he had a fake license made and is going to use it against Chuck. She goes to the club to warn Chuck but finds he had already figured out it was a fake, and they plot together to call the cops and squeeze all the publicity they can out of being shut down. Afterwards, they make up and agree to try and trust each other more . He tries to tell Blair that she never had any sparks with Nate, and reminds her that there’s a reason he won’t break up with Vanessa.

Rank Gossip Girl Characters from best to worst (reasons optional)

Shantel VanSanten played Quinn James on One Tree Hill beginning in Season 7, and her character eventually found happiness with Clay Evans but had to go through a lot of heartache to get there. She comes to Tree Hill to heal after ending her marriage and also endures the death of her mother. Johansson has a son named Quinn with ex-girlfriend Mercedes Connor. In 2016, he and Connor ended up in a legal battle after Quinn had an allergic reaction. In the ’00s, Hilarie Burton Morgan, who played Peyton Sawyer, fell for Ian Prange, an assistant director on One Tree Hill.

When he learns Raina brought Jack Bass to town to get revenge on Chuck, he teams up with Jack and Chuck to avoid being under the Thorpe wrath. Upon discovering Russell actually was responsible for Raina’s mother’s death and learning Raina is still planning revenge on Chuck, he tells her Russell did it . She calls Russell and cuts him off and as revenge, he kidnaps Blair. In the season finale The Wrong Goodbye, Nate, Chuck, and Raina save Blair.

Season Three

He rejects William for not being around while he was growing up, and informs him that he is gay and attempted suicide at one point (Dr. Estrangeloved). As an attempt to get closer to Eric, William sets up a date for Eric with Eliot and this causes Eric to try and forgive his father (It’s a Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad World). After Jenny loses her virginity to Chuck, Eric is the first one she tells, and when she leaves for Hudson to live with Alison, Eric goes with to say goodbye and promises to always be there for her. On Nate’s birthday, Serena plans an extravagant surprise party for Nate but asks his friends to keep quiet and to downplay his birthday. Knowing almost everyone is ignoring him, Jenny uses this opportunity to spend some alone time with Nate and they go to lunch together.

Soon after, in Touch of Eva, Blair learns that Chuck gifted Eva a very expensive Cartier watch. Knowing it might have cost more than anything he ever gave her, she heads to Cartier to see what she can find out. While there, she sees Eva selling the watch back to the store for cash. She takes a video and goes to see Chuck, where she shows him. He asks Eva about it, but she explains that the hotel’s valet, Ivan, has a struggling family that is about to lose their family farm and she needed to help.

In The Wild Brunch, Nate asks Serena to meet him in Chuck’s suite at The Palace Hotel so they can talk about things during Bart Bass’ annual foundation brunch. However, Chuck decides to help Blair consummate her relationship with Nate by giving her a key to his suite to seal the deal. Blair brings Nate to the suite but is surprised to find Serena there waiting for him. Jealous that they were planning to meet up, she goes down to tell Serena’s new boyfriend Dan that she slept with Nate. Later, Nate tells Blair that she either needs to forgive him for what he did or end things. At the masquerade ball in The Handmaiden’s Tale, Blair enlists Serena’s help to pull off a scavenger hunt for Nate, where his prize is having sex with her.

As a thank you, Dorota asks Blair and Chuck to be the Happy Couple that escorts them into the chapel for good luck and Blair can’t say no. Meanwhile, she hasn’t told anyone except Nate what Chuck did to her, so she plays along like everything is okay but continually tells Chuck that she can’t forgive him. At the wedding, Blair tells Chuck that she’ll stay with him only because they’re both sick twisted people who are fortunate to have found their match in each other. Before the wedding begins, Blair breaks down in front of Dorota and all the guests, admitting she and Chuck aren’t happy and can’t be the Happy Couple because they would only bring bad luck. After sitting down and talking with Dorota for a while, the wedding goes through perfectly and Chuck begs Blair to stay with him because they have to see their relationship through to the end. After the events in Inglourious Bassterds, Chuck and Blair ultimately split up in The Unblairable Lightness of Being.

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